LD30 Results!

The results for Ludum Dare 30 are here!

My game, Labyrinth Challenge, got the following ratings:

Coolness: 60% (bronze)

(1493 compo games / 2538 total)
Category Stars
(out of 5)
#562 Theme 3.25
#747 Graphics 2.81
#788 Overall 2.97
#811 Fun 2.75
#866 Audio 2.04
#887 Innovation 2.71
#915 Mood 2.55

I was not as good as last time, but I’m still happy with the result, because at the end of the first day I felt my game was really terrible. But during the second day it got better than I thought it would ever get and the ratings aren’t totally bad either. Additionally, I never did procedural generation before and learned quite a lot this time.


  • Play Labyrinth Challenge
  • View the blog post
  • View the Ludum Dare page
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